söndag 13 december 2015

Module 5 Customer´s Experience Rooms - Reflection of video, week 2

I have chosen to reflect upon Brian Wilsons video "Physical evidence of the servicescape".  

According to Brian Wilson, physical evidence are of big importance of the company and all  physical evidence of a business sends a message to the customer. It´s therefore really important make sure that the message is what you as a company has intended.
Brian says that Physical evidence comes in two types – servicescapes or other tangibles. Examples servicescapes is facilities: exterior/interior design, signage, parking, landscape, surrounding environment, equipment, signage, layout, air quality/temperature, sound/music/scent/lighting etc. Other tangibles could be Business cards, stationary, the way employees dress, company brochures.

According to Brian Wilson service escapes can package everything for the benefit of the firm and the customer experience. It can help sets expectations and definitely influence the perception of the part of the customer. It also acts as a facilitator. In the role of service it´s really important to simplify for the customer and make it easy to understand – make it easy to make business. It also acts as a socializer. It can facilitate interactions not only between the customers and employers in the firm, but also between customers and fellow customers. Servicescapes can also act as a differenciator  - it can set the provider apart from competition in the mind of the customer.

Within our company we are working a lot with physical evidences. For example we have a  so called “Dealer Operating Standard“ that our dealers/workshops needs to follow. This standard is a kind of “quality-stamp” for the customers – when you visit one of our dealers or workshops you shall be able to expect a certain standard of the workshop when it comes to the physical workshop as such - the workshop facilities shall be situated so they are easy to find, the signs shall be well exposed (and significant) and the workshops are neat and clean. The standard also tells the customers what they can expect when it comes to how they shall be met as customers and also what level of service they can expect. The standard also works a quality assurance/quality assurance tool for us as a mother company.

To be able to keep track of how the customers view us, we have a so called “CSI” (Customer Satisfaction Index) studies. The aim with this study is to find improvement areas for the distributors in each country. Continuous improvements are one of the mantras within the company. According to Brian Wilson it´s important to be prepared to update and modernize the physical evidences. Among other things, this “CSI follow up” help us to keep track of needed updates.


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