fredag 13 november 2015

Module 4 Customer Interactions –Reflection of video & reflection of how the concepts relate to my organization, week 2

This week´s assignment:
Blog:  Reflect upon one or two videos presented above and reflect on how the presented concepts relate to your organization.

Since I´m in the heavy commercial vehicle industry, I watched the two last videos with great interest! Me and some colleagues actually met Robert Sahlberg in Karlstad a couple of years ago and it´s amazing how they with good, with clever ideas and quite small resources, have succeeded in making the public transport in Karlstad attractive!

Because if you go to yourself - what makes you take the bus? It probably needs to be easy (tickets, finding route) and convenient. The bus should take you where you want to go, from point A to B), it should be on time, the buses should be neat and clean and it should be affordable.

KarlstadBuss have made very clever things in regards to these aspects. Take for example the color coded route map that looks like a metro map which make it easy to see which bus to take – genius! And putting the same color on the actual buses running on that line to make it  easier finding the right bus – perfect! And it doesn’t cost any extra.

They also put some effort into the interior, how to chose colors to keep the interior stylish? This doesn´t cost any extra, it just cost some extra thinking!

By putting a lot of new technology into the buses, such as WiFi and “Bus-TV” it gives a modern feeling of the bus. In his video Robert sais that they want to make the passengers feel like it´s their channel, and the passengers can send in pictures that get published. Think that is a very good idea personifying and making people feel like they are involved.
I also think that the film with the well known comedians treating the subject how to behave on a bus, was good! I think that by showing this funny movie treating the subject “no feet on the seats” instead of a regular boring sign, actually will keep peoples feet off the seats.

To summarize, I think that KarlstadsBuss is really a precursor and inspiration for many cities of how to work with small, clever things to improve customer experience and with this, making public transport attractive!




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