söndag 4 oktober 2015

Module 2 Psycological aspects - Week 4 – Reflection of short- and long term effects on customer experiences. Can we make people (un)happy?

Module 2 Psycological aspects - Week 4 – Reflection of short- and long term effects on customer experiences. Can we make people (un)happy?


This week´s assignment:
Blog: Reflect upon short- and long-term effects of customer experiences. Can we make people (un)happy?

Yes, of course we can make people happy or unhappy. A lot of things of course come back to the basics = performance vs. expectations.
But something else that you shouldn´t forget or neglect is ATTITUDE. According to me, 99% of how you see things are connected to attitude – your own and the people you meet.

For example, you have had some product problems. You have a close contact with the customer and are working on a solution. Even if you don’t have a ready solution you are keeping up the dialogue with the customer and you are also telling him what different solutions you are working on. Given this, you can actually turn this product problem to something positive, this since you have showed the customer attention and you are listening to him and take the problem seriously. This short-term product problem, depending how you handle it, can actually help you to build a long term relation with the customer. First of all you have built up a personal contact but also you have showed that your company is a company to trust, also in stormy weathers.

And if you ask me - a positive attitude takes you far, it can actually move mountains! This is at least something I practice, both at work and in real life. J


1 kommentar:

  1. I beleive that you are correct regarding attitudes. Problems do exist and will arise from time to time, everyone, also the customers, are aware of this. How we act when facing problems and our general attitude towards our customers is very important. A good attitude and a desire to help will, I believe always leave the customer with a good feeling both in short and long term perspective.
